Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

These Parmesan Roasted Potatoes are about to become your GO TO potato side dish! Crispy and savory and absolutely perfect!  These are like candy. 100% addictive. Once you start, you just can’t stop. If you knew the amount of potatoes we consumed in a week, you’d be shocked. I’d venture to say we go through […]

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Roasted Red Pepper and Heirloom Tomato Soup with Crab

Back when I was in culinary school, I used to make soups like it was my job. I made soups that were pretty much every color in the rainbow and I was one happy camper. But recently I haven’t been making any soups and it’s totally unacceptable. I’ve decided that this is because in culinary […]

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Roasted Potato and Onion Pizza

Roasted Potato Pizza is probably one of my all time favorite dinners. Its just a plateful of carbs and I couldn’t ask for anything more!! Add on some slowly roasted whole garlic cloves, caramelized onions and a few sprigs of fresh thyme and you have yourself one delicious fall meal. It’s probably one of the […]

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