Pizza Monkey Bread

Are you ready for Pizza Monkey Bread? It will change your life. Imagine a mini pull apart pizza with herbs and cheese and a warm pizza dipping sauce. Jackpot!! […]

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Cinco de Mayo Party

Cinco de Mayo is my second favorite celebration of the year, right after my birthday. I mean it’s pretty much a day where drinking margaritas starting at noon and eating obscene amounts of guacamole is the norm, right. Wait? That’s not how you celebrate? I don’t understand 🙂 I mean yes, it’s also about the […]

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Homemade Tortilla Chips and Bean Dip

As a true Arizona Girl, chips, dips and salsas are vital to my survival. In high school and college, my friends and I would head south of the border to various Mexican resorts and time shares while living off of chips… margaritas too, but I’ll save those stories for another day. The thing about chips […]

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