Obsessed // Cravings by Chrissy Teigen

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It’s been a while since I’ve read a cookbook cover to cover. But that all changes today.


I’ve patiently been waiting for Cravings by Chrissy Teigen for MONTHS. Literally, months. And there’s not one ounce of sarcasm in that statement. Ever since I found out she was doing a cookbook I’ve been excited and today’s the big day!

You might be thinking, what’s a super gorgeous model doing writing a cookbook, does she even eat? Well, guess what, news flash… she does! And I’m pretty sure we have the same taste in food! This culinary-school-trained cook is KILLING it in the kitchen and she bring with it some sarcasm, sass, and a whole lot of humor!

The book showed up on my doorstep last week and I kid you not when I tell you that I dropped everything I was doing and read it cover the cover. The recipes are all incredible, the photos make me want to eat everything in sight and the stories that come with each headnote and the intro make me laugh just as much as her tweets and instagrams. If you don’t follow her on either platform, you’re MISSING OUT!

I’m cooking my way through the book this week on snapchat! Last night was the Chinese Chicken Salad and it was ah-mazing! Tonight I’m making the cheesy guacamole because hello, it’s TACO TUESDAY and I wrote a damn book on avocados. It’s my job to try her guac recipe! Last week I made Pepper’s Spicy Clams with Pasta and the Pounded Thai Papaya Salad… everything is incredible. Tomorrow I’m almost 100% certain the tomato soup is happening as word on the street is that it’s life changing and she’s the self proclaimed soup master so I’m basically doing myself a disservice if I don’t make it immediately.

It made up of 10 chapters including Breakfast All Day, Soupmaster, Salads (For When You Need Them), Noodles and Carbs, Thai Mom, Party Time, Sh*t on Toast, Vegetable Things, Things That Intimidate People but Shouldn’t, and Supper. There’s no room for dessert here because as Chrissy would tell you, she’d rather order another pasta! I mean, we’re kinda spirit animals! Unless of course a slutty brownie is on the menu, then I’m ordering that AND another pasta.

Grab a copy of it while it’s still available – Cravings by Chrissy Teigen – I’m 100% certain it’s going to sell out ASAP! Or take your chances and enter to win a copy here! I’m giving away 5 copies to 5 lucky winners (must live in the US) and winners will be picked in 1 week! To enter, just leave a comment below letting me know if you’d rather order a dessert or another savory main course in place of dessert! Ready go…

And major congrats to Chrissy! It’s perfection.


  1. 10000% another entree especially if it’s Mexican or Italian…..or food.

    Also, just watched your snap story from today and screamed when I heard that you’re a fellow T-loc. Love knowing that you’re from little old Tucson!

  2. Um… Both?! I’m a food junkie and the most indecisive person…um…ever (Libra) so I want it all! Then I’ll probably want some more.

  3. savory entré all the way! I have celiac disease so unfortunately dessert (as awesome as it is) can often be very frustrating for me 🙁

  4. Gaby I cannot tell a lie. I want dessert. Specifically slutty brownies. So you see, I need Chrissy’s AND your cookbook!

    Hugs and thanks for being so perky and smiley on snapchat. We really need that during the primaries!

  5. I would die if I won this- been looking forward to this cookbook forever!!! I would order a savory dish over dessert (another pizza– yes please???)

  6. Since I nearly already try almost one of everything while eating out, apps, drinks and multiple mains…..I am so full, but obvi always have room for a dessert. So….I would choose dessert! Although I know Chrissy would go with another meal! 🙂

  7. I’m a baker for a living, so definitelyyyyyy dessert! I live for a good slice (or 2) of chocolate cake!!!!

  8. I LOVE a good hearty salad! I’ll throw in some sweet toppings like currants or cranberries, add some savory nuts, zesty citrus… Mmm party in a bowl!

  9. Well, to be honest I would order both!! I mean I love savory, but no matter how much you eat there is ALWAYS room for dessert after!
    you only live once! 🙂

  10. I would normally say savory but I’m about 8 months pregnant so I’m going to go with dessert these days!!!

  11. I am allllll about ordering another pasta!!! UMM, HELLO…. PASTA IS DESSERT IN MY HEART <3 Love your Snapchats, Gaby!!

  12. I love love love bread but I would go for dessert and I can’t get enough of it. I also love soup most of the time I choose to indulge on the first couple of courses and never have room for dessert. Which is sad

  13. Carbs are my favorite food so it’s hard to resist more pasta, but a meal’s not complete without some chocolate so have to say DESSERT!

  14. Savory! Every now and then I get a sweet craving in a restaurant, but honestly, another round of nachos would work juuuuust fine!

  15. 100% I would order a second main course. I have a huge sweet tooth and I love dessert, but if I had the chance to order a second pasta dish I’m obviously doing that!

  16. I don’t know if I’d rather order dessert or something savory BUT I’d rather eat dessert FIRST followed by my something savory. However, if I have to pick one…I would pick dessert!

  17. I would have to choose dessert. Simply because I don’t get a chance to go to a restaurant without my little one very often, and sometimes I just want a sugary, decadent, chocolatey indulgence without having to share 🙂 Especially since I’m expecting a baby and can’t drink :-/

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