Obsessed // Matt Armendariz

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Big things are happening today. BIG.

I’m kicking off a new feature here on What’s Gaby Cooking and it’s all about some of my most favorite people in the entire world. Since starting this site 5 years ago, I’ve been able to meet some insanely fantastic people in this creative community… and it’s high time that you know them too!

Today I’m starting things off with a bang…. and introducing you guys to my best friend 🙂  You might already know him, as he’s not only my BFF but world renown photographer, my favorite partner in crime, not to mention he was the best man in my wedding.  He’s shot for Food Network, Target, Goop, Huckleberry and Better Homes and Gardens to name a few. He has a cookbook all about food On a Stick! plus another one teaching you the ins and outs of food photography. His blog celebrates food, drink and everything in between, and he’s one of my most cherished friends!

Meet Matt Armendariz!

Matt Armendariz

Gaby: Who are you, what do you do and where do you live?

Matt: My name is Matt Armendariz, I live in Long Beach, California, and I take photos of food. Oops, I mean, I make photos of food.

Gaby: What’s your favorite part of your job?

Matt: It’s all good
no, really! I get to work with creative people, fun props, travel all over the world, and I get to eat the food. Try beating that. Just try.

Gaby: What is the #1 place on your travel bucket list?

Matt: Probably the Maldives or Marrakesh. Or any other place that begins with M.

Gaby: If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring?

Matt: Champagne, Paris is Burning on DVD, and an iPhone charger.

Gaby: Where is your favorite weekend getaway?

Matt: My backyard. You’ve been here, you know what I mean.

Gaby: Beer or wine?

Matt: One doesn’t choose. You have both.

Gaby: What’s your go-to outfit?

Matt: Harem pants, Manolo Blaniks and a vintage 1987 Azzedine Alaia wrap dress that is TO DIE FOR.

Gaby: What’s the most adventurous things you’ve ever done?

Matt: You cannot ask a gay man this question in a public forum. Just don’t.

Gaby: Go-to karaoke song!

Matt: Anything Rick Astley, Journey or The Eagles. I’m damn good, too.

Gaby: You’re all alone on a weeknight – what do you have for dinner?

Matt: I’d probably make myself a cheese plate with fruit and mostarda and then open a nice bottle of bubbles and watch TV. OR I’d drink beer, fire up the pizza oven and make pizza just for myself. I’ve done it before, trust.

Gaby: If you had to pick a last meal, what would it be?

Matt: Anything my mom decided to cook. That’s the food I want to eat as I leave this planet.

Gaby: What’s your favorite way to eat avocados?

Matt: With my mouth.

Gaby: Favorite TV show?

Matt: I have too too many shows I enjoy watching. That’s a whole separate interview, really.

Gaby: Favorite cocktail?

Matt: Right now it’s a toss up between anything with Pimms or a classic Negroni.

Gaby: I recently just started drinking coffee, I know, totally late to the game. Are you as obsessed as me? How do you take your coffee?

Matt: I have a photo of me at age 4 drinking coffee with lots of cream and sugar. I’ve since grown up, and there is nothing greater than waking up in Australia and ordering a flat white. Or having a cafe con leche in Barcelona. But I’m not a coffee snob, as long as it’s good I’ll drink it.

Gaby: Harry Potter or Hunger Games?

Matt: I don’t know what those are. But it sounds like it hurts.

Gaby: If you were one of the Real Housewives on Bravo, who would you be and why?

Matt: Probably Kandi from Real Housewives of Atlanta. She actually has a talent, she’s level headed, funny without being too silly, and seems solid, oh so solid. And homegirl is RICH! RICH I TELL YOU! But you don’t watch RHOA so why am I even answering this?

Gaby: If you could have one superpower, which one would you have?

Matt: To make my best friend actually watch the one Housewives franchise that she actually doesn’t watch, despite my repeated pleas. I mean, how many times do I gotta ask?

Gaby: If you could only have one form of social media for the rest of your life
 what would it be?

Matt: Crayons and construction paper.

Gaby: Last and certainly not least
. if your life was turned into a movie, which actor/actress would play you!?

Matt: Kandi Burruss. You asked.

For more on Matt, check out his photography website Matt Armendariz (you’ll be DROOLING over all the pictures), his blog Matt Bites, instagram, facebook and twitter!


  1. I heard, errr, seen, you mention Matt in many of your blog posts so it was nice to be formally introduced!!! I’m going to like this series. Annnnd now I have someone new to follow on Instagram.

  2. I love Matt, love the interview, love this feature, totally awesome!

    I love that Matt mentioned bubbly twice in this interview, I would drink bubbly above all else, always. And Matt’s into the RHOA. Not my most favorite of all the series’ (I’d go with OC or Bev Hills) but that’s so awesome he’s into it. FUN INTERVIEW! 🙂

  3. He’s hilarious! No wonder he’s your best friend! I also just made the mistake of checking out his page while I am hungry! Ooops!

  4. I was laughing out loud at this…

    Gaby: What’s your favorite way to eat avocados?

    Matt: With my mouth.

    OMG! So darn funny! Looking forward to seeing who is next! Keep them coming 😉

  5. Ok so 1) I need be friends with Matt. Introductions are in order. He sounds amazing. I kinda can’t believe he lives in the LBc with all of his amazingness 2) I embarrassingly watch nearly all of the real housewives franchise and I will ever stop. 3) I can’t wait to see who is next in this series, you know some of the best people.

  6. Loved this! He sounds like a pretty rad BFF (PS – you should watch the real housewives of NY the rest of them eh..but the NY one is good)

  7. OMG. I didn’t think I’d love Matt more until I read this interview. Now I want to go karoake with him. If only to hear his rendition of Never Gonna Give you Up…

  8. I loved the Getting to Know Matt Armendariz sit down! I am so happy for Matt! I knew Matt back in the day WAAAAY back in the day and he still seems to be the same great person he was back then! We used to hang around Long Beach/Palm Springs with him and had many great times! Keep up the good work Matt!

  9. I love an accessory that you can drink…it’s not everyday you can pull off the same hue in your glass with the your pants. Cheers!

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