Culinary School – Week Twenty Three – Advanced Vegetables

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Well this was our last formal week of Culinary School. Of course we still have a TON of work to do on graduation as far as menu development and other delicious details and I will continue to fill you in as we go!

After a week full of Caul Fat and Sausages I was happy to devote a week to vegetables! Normally once a dish is finished at school we all dig in like we have never seen food before and the entire plate is empty in a few minutes. This week was a bit different as we all sat down and ate together (in a civilized fashion) and had a few classes of champage, red wine… and a little sparkling apple cider (my personal fav)

Here is what we feasted on:

Aubergines des Papes – this dish was hands down my favorite of the night. It was stuffed with eggplant, mushrooms and tomatoes and topped with a tomato coulis. TOTAL DELICIOUSNESS

Gateau de Carrot, aka a carrot loaf, was obviously full of carrots and pureed spinach in the middle to give it some color and spunk!

These pretty little things are Timbales of Vegetables. Layers of Spinach, Carrot and Cauliflower… doesn’t that look gorgeous!

This is a Spring Vegetable Terrine… which is a combination of Fish Mousse and Vegetable layers including broccoli, carrots, asparagus, green beans, mushrooms and zucchini.

And last but certainly not least… a 12 oz Burger topped with Ratatouille and beer battered onion rings stuffed with… you guess it…. cheese! Most of my classmates used Blue Cheese… but not this girl! I used Pepperjack – so delicious!

I am a sucker for a good ooey gooey cheese shot… heaven!

Pretty fabulous huh?~? Next I’ll be showing you all the different courses and passed appetizers that will be served at our graduation! If you’re in LA – and you want to come – or you have never had a tasting menu with wine pairing – then let me know! Graduation will consist of 6-8 passed appetizers and a 5-6 course dinner. (we’re still in the menu development process so the actual number of dishes hasn’t quite been finalized!)


  1. Congrats on the last official week- how exciting! That carrot loaf looks really interesting- can you provide a recipe (is that allowed?)?

  2. Wow, those dishes are as pretty as they (look) delicious! They're all like mini works of art- love it! And way to go on the pepper jack. That's my fave 😉

  3. The aubergines des papes is beautiful! I had to chuckle a bit at the title of this course, "Advanced Vegetables". Great – it's nice to know that carrots and cauliflowers are probably smarter then me! 8-D

  4. Amazing! I would never think something called carrot loaf could sound good but your photo made it pop off the screen!

  5. just found your blog…and i am ALREADY ADDICTED. the food looks fab and your pictures are gorg! you can def tell you have a styling backround! just started my own blog, so check it out- can't wait to read more 🙂

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