Fifty One and a Half – Handmade Ceramics by Monika Dalkin

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So I’m pretty excited to share this with you guys! It’s been a long time coming, lots of work behind the scenes, but it’s finally ready to make it’s big debut! A few months ago my fabulous mom and I decided to start a business together! You see, she is an amazing artist, and always making gorgeous paintings and installations for her clients, lots of different kinds of ceramics and of course things for me so I can hang beautiful art on my walls. But a few months ago we decided that she totally should make handmade ceramics that can be used for food styling and photography. Why? Because it’s always so much fun to have great props that make the food look ah-mazing! So that’s what we did. She has been working on this first set of ceramics for the past few months and I’m so excited to launch the store today! It’s called Fifty One and a Half

It’s called Fifty One and a Half because well, that’s how old she was when we started this a few months ago!!

And, here’s the best part. Not only are you getting handmade ceramics, made with loads of love, but no two pieces are the same! So you’ll have a totally unique piece!

And let’s just talk about how gorgeous all these images are?!? Since we are keeping things in the family for this new venture, my bestest friend and wonderfully talented photographer, Matt Armendariz, (also from Matt Bites) did all the stunning photos for the site!

So go ahead and check it out!!

Fifty One and a Half

I can’t wait to hear what you guys think and hope to see some of these pieces popping up around the web. I’m so thrilled to be starting a business with my mom πŸ™‚


  1. amazing! your mom is super talented, and all of her pieces are beautiful! i am completely in love with the polka dotted pinch and condiment bowls. WAY too cute!

  2. Those are gorgeous! I LOVE that blue one with the tomatoes – what amazing color in that photo! Congratulations on your store (love the name, btw) and I wish much success to your and your mom!

  3. STAH NING . Seriously beautiful!!! And those pictures… just breathtaking. If you ever make a cake stand let me know. I’d be happy to test it out for ya! πŸ™‚

  4. These pieces make any food item look like a super model. I can’t wait to save up my pennies and get me one. You come from such great, creative stock! Congratulations to you both!

  5. My father in law is a potter who makes lots of ceramic plates, mugs, pitchers, vases, etc. I went to a pottery fair with their family, expecting to be bored out of my mind, and after about 10 minutes I was ready to drop 250$ on pottery. I loved it! I didn’t spend all that money, thankfully, but since then I’ve been more and more excited about buying handmade pottery and ceramics! I’m going to have to go take a look at your mom’s stuff! πŸ™‚

  6. Can’t wait to order some of these unique pieces, there so pretty. Congratulations on starting this adventure with your mom. A very talented family.

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