Absolutely Avocados

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You guys. I have big news. Big, crazy, exciting news.

And no, I’m not pregnant.

Well, kinda. In a weird way.

I wrote a book! A real, hold it in your hands, flip through the pages, put it on your coffee table, book. And it’s all about avocados! I mean did you expect anything else for my first cookbook? I’m basically a walking avocado.

Absolutely Avocados by Gaby Dalkin

And it’s finally almost here! Absolutely Avocados. I’m super pumped to say the least. If you follow me over on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve seen some quick glimpses into the cookbook writing/editing process, but now it’s all buttoned up, and is off at the printers printing away. I got to work with my dream team and bestest friends on it too. Matt and Adam did all the photography and food styling for it and I am just beyond thrilled with how it turned out.

It took a whole lotta avocados, months of recipe testing, lots of face stuffing/taste testing, and tons of love to create this book. I feel like it’s my child. And I am so jazzed for it to come out in mid-April. I’ll be hitting the road once the book is published and having fun book parties with lots of guacamole consumption all across the country.  I hope I get to meet lots of you guys! I’m planning the tour as we speak, type, read, (what?) so if you know of somewhere super awesome to go, I’d love to hear about it in the comments! I mean it’s our mutual love (borderline obsession) with avocados that was the source of inspiration for this book in the first place!

It’s loaded with 80+ avocado recipes ranging across breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner and yes dessert too! It’s available for pre-order on Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble  or you can ask your local book store to get some for you independent bookstore –  feel free to order a copy, or two, or thirty (especially if you’re blood related to me – mom and dad I’m looking at you! and all my aunts, uncles and grandparents too. Oh heck, anyone else who wants to be part of the family, same goes for you.)

So there it is! My big news of February 2013! Thanks for being the best readers out there and loving avocados just as much as I do!! You guys rock. Now go have yourself a happy friday and have a margarita or two for me and some guac 🙂


  1. Congratulations, Gaby! I’ve pre-ordered mine….and my avocado tree is loaded with avocados, just harvested the first ones of the season. Great timing! Thanks in advance for all the recipes I’ll be enjoying! = )

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I cannot wait to get my hands on it! Avocados are pretty much all time favorite and I know you’re recipes are amazing, so it’s like a little book of perfection.

  3. Congratulations Gaby, what a accomplishment! I’ll put my pre-order in now! Have fun on your book tour 😉

  4. How fabulous! Congratulations, I can’t wait to see it! And, ironically, I just cut open an avocado to put in my sandwich, it’s lunchtime for me!

  5. That’s fantastic news Gaby. We will definitely be indexing that on Eat Your Books – and of course we already index your fabulous blog recipes.

  6. Gaby,
    We just ordered your book!!! Can’t wait to receive it so we can continue to be “green”! Viva la Avocado! We are all so proud of you!
    The bosmeny family

  7. Congrats Gaby! Love reading your blog. I am sure your cookbook will be a big hit! I know I will be purchasing it.

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